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Friday, September 16th, 2022 Learn about the latest novel gas chromatography techniques and workflows that help analysts obtain the results they are looking for in “real world” situations.
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Gas chromatography is often regarded as a mature technology, but the technique continues to evolve to offer improved results in terms of applicability, sensitivity, and selectivity. Leading specialists in GC will explain how they apply theory and the latest advances in technology to solve very difficult challenges using gas chromatography in “the real world.” There will also be informative sessions from leading manufacturers in gas chromatography, illustrating how their technologies solve problems and achieve results in practice. Key Learning Objectives:
Who Should Attend: Laboratory scientists and researchers involved in using gas chromatography who want to learn about the latest advances from leading experts.
Symposium Agenda: 1:00pm BST | 2:00pm CEST | 8:00am EDT Fast GC–MS Analysis with Low Pressure Vacuum Outlet Approach for Food Safety Applications Yelena Saphozhnikova, Research Chemist, Agricultural Research Service, United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), PA, USA The concept of low pressure (LP) vacuum outlet gas chromatography (GC) was introduced in 1962, but it was not until the 2000s that this approach was implemented in analytical laboratories. In LPGC, a short (10–15 m) wide megabore analytical column is connected to a short (3–5 m) narrow (0.15–0.18 mm) uncoated restriction capillary column, which serves as a guard column. This setup allows the analytical column to be kept under vacuum conditions, resulting in a faster GC run time, higher sample throughput, lower detection limits, reduced analyte degradation, and greater robustness compared to conventional GC analysis. In the presenter’s laboratory, LPGC–MS/MS is used as a default approach for the analysis of GC-amenable contaminants, including pesticides, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and other flame retardants, and polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and other contaminants, where ~300 analytes are analyzed in one single 10-min run. Theory and practical applications of LPGC–MS/(MS) in food safety and beyond will be presented. 1:30pm BST | 2:30pm CEST | 8:30am EDT Advantages of Using GCxGC in Food Analysis Giorgia Purcaro, Analytical Chemistry Professor, Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech, University of Liège, Belgium Comprehensive 2D-GC (GC×GC), invented by Phillips in 1991, is one of the most exciting innovations in the GC field. Nowadays, GC×GC can be considered as a mature technique adopted as a routine food control technique. The advantages mostly rely on the possibility of performing detailed and sensitive targeted and untargeted sample profiling. GC×GC has been proven to be very useful in the quality, authenticity, and safety assessment of food, allowing not only the legal requirement to be covered but also providing information that goes beyond, allowing for a more comprehensive investigation of the samples analyzed. In such a context, a series of case studies will be discussed to highlight the potentialities of GC×GC in the field. Both safety and quality applications will be discussed in fats and oils, fatty foods, and brewed coffee. Moreover, the use of different modulators, both cryogenic- and flow-based, as well as the use of different detectors (mainly MS and FID), and particularly parallel dual detection, will be discussed based on different applications. 2:00pm BST | 3:00pm CEST | 9:00am EDT Enhancing Flame Ionization Detector Capabilities with Postcolumn Reaction Jim Luong, Fellow of Analytical Science, Core R&D, Dow Chemical Company, USA 3D-printing technology for the fabrication of metal microstructure devices augmented with appropriate catalysts was successfully employed in postcolumn reaction gas chromatography and flame ionization detection. The approach addresses known limitations encountered with flame ionization detection, such as the lack of sensitivity towards compounds not capable of forming CHO+ ions and limited equimolar carbon response for carbon-containing molecules. The internal design and catalyst microstructure of these postcolumn reactors preserves the chromatographic fidelity achieved by contemporary capillary gas chromatography. In this presentation, the principles of operation and utility of these techniques are demonstrated and their application in challenging chromatographic situations are described. 2:30pm BST | 3:30pm CEST | 9:30am EDT Unravelling the Complex Composition of Produced Water by Specialized Extraction Methods for Gas Chromatography Emanuela Gionfriddo, Assistant Professor, The University of Toledo, Toledo, USA Produced water (PW), a waste by-product of oil and gas extraction, is a complex mixture containing numerous organic solubles and elemental species. These constituents range from polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons to naturally occurring radioactive materials. Identification of these compounds is critical in developing reuse and disposal protocols to minimize environmental contamination and health risks. In this study, versatile extraction methodologies were investigated for the untargeted analysis of PW. Thin-film solid-phase microextraction with hydrophilic-lipophilic balance particles was utilized for the extraction of organic solubles from eight PW samples from the Permian Basin and Eagle Ford formation in Texas, USA. Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS) analysis found a total of 266 different organic constituents including 1,4-dioxane, atrazine, pyridine, and PAHs. The elemental composition of PW was evaluated using dispersive solid-phase extraction followed by inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry, utilizing a new coordinating sorbent, poly(pyrrole-1-carboxylic acid). This confirmed the presence of 29 elements including rare earth elements, as well as hazardous metals such as Cr, Cd, Pb, and U. Utilizing chemometric analysis, both approaches facilitated the discrimination of each PW sample based on their geochemical origin with a prediction accuracy above 90% using partial least-squares-discriminant analysis, paving the way for PW origin tracing in the environment. 3:00pm BST | 4:00pm CEST | 10:00am EDT Gas Chromatography Meets Nontargeted Screening Thomas Letzel, CEO and Technical Lecturer, AFIN-TS, Technical University of Munich, Germany The analytical strategy of GC and nontarget screening (NTS) is gaining popularity. GC separations can be coupled to mass spectrometry with gentle and soft ionization techniques, including chemical ionization (CI), atmospheric chemical ionization (APCI), and dielectric barring direct ionization (DBD). A new era of applications and data evaluation strategies using GC and NTS workflows has commenced and will be described in this overview. 3:30pm BST | 4:30pm CEST | 10:30am EDT Question-and-Answer Session with Today's Speakers Live panel discussion with questions from the audience 3:45pm BST | 4:45pm CEST | 10:45am EDT Coffee Break 4:00pm BST | 5:00pm CEST | 11:00am EDT Afternoon Seminars Leading GC chromatography vendors demonstrate how their technologies benefit GC users in practice. 4:00pm BST | 5:00pm CEST | 11:00am EDTEliminating the Dependency on Helium for Thermal Desorption–GC–MS: The Latest Advancement for TD–GC Analysis Aaron James Davies, TD Commercial Marketing Manager, Markes International Aaron Davies will discuss the latest advancement for analytical thermal desorption; Markes’ Multi-Gas technology, which adds to their extensive list of innovations that enable thermal desorption without compromise. Find out how Markes’ can help analysts safeguard against the rising cost and reduced supply of helium, by operating with hydrogen carrier gas with no loss in sensitivity, no hydrogenation, and maintained method compliance. 4:20pm BST | 5:20pm CEST | 11:20am EDT Real-Time Hazardous Air Pollutant (HAP) Detection by FTIR Martin Spartz, Ph.D., Senior Director of Gas Analysis R&D, Thermo Fisher Scientific US EPA methods for measuring hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) in ambient air include TO-14a and TO-15. Novel technologies have recently been developed that allow for up to hundreds of compounds to be monitored simultaneously in real-time by FTIR gas analysis. Similar detection limits as those required in TO-14a/TO-15 can be achieved within 1 minute with minimal concern for sample integrity. This presentation will discuss both the hardware and software advances that now allow for ambient air monitoring of HAPs in real-time by FTIR. 4:40pm BST | 5:40pm CEST | 11:40am EDT Enhance Laboratory Workflows with a Unique Combination of GC-TOFMS Technology and Data-Processing Tools Liz Humston-Fulmer, Application Chemist, LECO Corporation Gas Chromatography (GC) coupled to Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry (TOF-MS) facilitates full mass range spectra to be collected at fast acquisition rates, thus producing high quality data which allows automated deconvolution to be applied efficiently, leading to richer, faster and more in-depth results. This presentation will demonstrate how such rich data quality is generated and improves both compound detectability and identification confidence. Furthermore, the presentation will demonstrate how laboratory workflows and insights can be significantly improved by processing the data using a new software tool where multiple samples can be easily processed and compared, allowing a fast and reliable route to determine analyte similarities and differences. 5:00pm BST | 6:00pm CEST | 12:00pm EDT Introduction to the Pulsed Discharge Detector (PDD) for Gas Chromatography Peter Nastold, Product Specialist Gas Chromatography, VICI AG International This presentation will show how the pulsed discharge detector (PDD) meets the demands of a GC detector to combine universality with a broad dynamic range, and sensitivity down to the ppm and ppb range. After describing the PDD in relation to other GC detectors, a brief explanation of its physical basics will clarify what this type of detector is capable of. Different operation modes, providing selectivity where required, are illustrated as well as how a PDD can replace an electron capture detector and help to eliminate radioactive material from the laboratory. A range of models have been introduced. These have been adapted for widely used GC systems, as well as for highly customized installations. Finally, applications from a broad field of analytical tasks will illustrate how the potential of the PDD can be applied and made productive in every GC laboratory. Yelena Saphozhnikova Research Chemist Agricultural Research Service, United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), PA, USA Giorgia Purcaro Analytical Chemistry Professor Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech, University of Liège, Belgium Jim Luong Fellow of Analytica Science Analytical Science, Core R&D, Dow Chemical Company, USA Emanuela Gionfriddo Assistant Professor The University of Toledo, Toledo, USA Thomas Letzel CEO and Technical Lecturer AFIN-TS, Technical University of Munich, Germany
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