Synaptic Variability and Cortical Gamma Oscillation Power in Schizophrenia | American Journal of Psychiatry

2022-04-02 07:45:52 By : Ms. Jenny Pang

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Cognitive impairments in schizophrenia are associated with lower gamma oscillation power in the prefrontal cortex (PFC). Gamma power depends in part on excitatory drive to fast-spiking parvalbumin interneurons (PVIs). Excitatory drive to cortical neurons varies in strength, which could affect how these neurons regulate network oscillations. The authors investigated whether variability in excitatory synaptic strength across PVIs could contribute to lower prefrontal gamma power in schizophrenia.

In postmortem PFC from 20 matched pairs of comparison and schizophrenia subjects, levels of vesicular glutamate transporter 1 (VGlut1) and postsynaptic density 95 (PSD95) proteins were quantified to assess variability in excitatory synaptic strength across PVIs. A computational model network was then used to simulate how variability in excitatory synaptic strength across fast-spiking (a defining feature of PVIs) interneurons (FSIs) regulates gamma power.

The variability of VGlut1 and PSD95 levels at excitatory inputs across PVIs was larger in schizophrenia relative to comparison subjects. This alteration was not influenced by schizophrenia-associated comorbid factors, was not present in monkeys chronically exposed to antipsychotic medications, and was not present in calretinin interneurons. In the model network, variability in excitatory synaptic strength across FSIs regulated gamma power by affecting network synchrony. Finally, greater synaptic variability interacted synergistically with other synaptic alterations in schizophrenia (i.e., fewer excitatory inputs to FSIs and lower inhibitory strength from FSIs) to robustly reduce gamma power.

The study findings suggest that greater variability in excitatory synaptic strength across PVIs, in combination with other modest synaptic alterations in these neurons, can markedly lower PFC gamma power in schizophrenia.

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The authors thank Mary L. Brady (University of Pittsburgh) for providing technical assistance and Nathan N. Urban (Lehigh University) for providing insightful comments.