31-03-2022 | Test & Measurement
30-03-2022 | Test & Measurement
15-12-2021 | RS Components | Test & Measurement
RS Components now offers a new ultrasonic-imaging camera from FLIR. Ultrasonic imaging is a fairly new technology that provides valuable aid to industrial companies, maximising uptime, efficiency and safety. The main application areas for ultrasonic imaging are detecting compressed air discharge or leaks and electrical discharge and condition monitoring in the power generation sector.
The FLIR Si124 delivers intelligent analytics that automatically recognises air leaks in compressor systems and partial discharge in high-voltage electrical systems. This built-in analytics capacity makes the device very intuitive and straightforward to use, which indicates that extensive training is not needed. Throughout inspections, the user is led through the process with algorithms automatically detecting and analysing electric-discharge effects or quantifying air-leak loss rate and cost.
The unit is also a lightweight device that needs only one hand to use it and provides long-life battery power that delivers up to seven hours of non-contact operation. The integration of features results in low fatigue and safe all-day scanning for users.
The unit is a very efficient device that can swiftly detect compressed air leaks up to ten times faster, employing ultrasound imaging rather than traditional methods. The unit senses, displays and records sound waves from 2kHz to 31kHz via a 124 x 124 microphone array. Another key feature of the unit is its onboard storage capability and its connectivity to the cloud to give real-time quantification and reporting.
The device is offered in three models: the Si124-LD exclusively for leak-detection applications; the Si124-PD for electric utility applications; and the Si124, which detects compressed air leaks and partial discharge.
31-03-2022 | Test & Measurement
31-03-2022 | Test & Measurement
30-03-2022 | Test & Measurement
30-03-2022 | Test & Measurement