The Get Vaccinated booking system will be offline for maintenance from August 27 at 4 pm to August 28 at 12 pm.
Booster doses help lengthen your protection against severe outcomes of COVID-19.
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The recommended interval between doses is at least 6 months. For most people, it's best to get a booster dose around periods of increased risk.
For most people, their initial vaccination was 2 doses of vaccine.
In 2021, the 2 doses offered very good protection from COVID-19.
Over time and with variants like Omicron, 2 doses don't provide enough protection.
If you haven't had any booster doses, you should get one as soon as possible to keep up-to-date.
Protection from severe illness related to COVID-19 decreases over time.
If you've had COVID-19, you still need a booster.
Invitations continue to be sent to seniors 70+, Indigenous people 55+ and people who are moderately to severely immunocompromised.
People in long-term care and assisted living have already been offered their dose.
For full protection, everyone 12+ needs a fall booster dose.
B.C. is making plans to offer everyone 12+ a fall booster dose. The National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI) has been clear this approach will provide the best protection in the fall and winter when we’re all spending more time inside and respiratory illness is passed around our communities.
We'll send you a personalized booking invitation this fall.
Appointments are available in community pharmacies and health authority clinics at a time to fit your schedule. The appointment only takes 15 to 30 minutes. You can go alone or as a family.
You will receive either the Moderna or Pfizer (mRNA) vaccine.
It doesn't matter what vaccine you received for your initial vaccination series.
mRNA vaccines are the best choice for a booster dose because they provide the most effective protection against COVID-19.
If you're 18 or older and would prefer a non-mRNA vaccine, you can get the Novavax vaccine or Johnson & Johnson vaccine. Call 1-833-838-2323 to book a non-mRNA appointment.
Under the Infants Act, you can give consent as a mature minor to receive health care, like getting a booster dose. You can book for yourself or have a trusted adult make an appointment for you. Like your other appointments, you can go alone or with a trusted adult.
It's extra important to get a booster dose if you are clinically extremely vulnerable.
Youth who are clinically extremely vulnerable
If you are 12 to 17 and have any of the conditions listed below, it's important that you get a booster dose as soon as you are eligible.
Significant developmental disabilities that increase risk
Neuromuscular/neurologic or muscular conditions that require respiratory support
People whose immune system is affected by immunosuppression therapies they take
You are taking high dose steroids or other medicines known to suppress your immune system. There are many chronic conditions that might require you to take these medications. You may be taking these for one of the conditions listed, such as a transplant, lung disease or for additional conditions such as rheumatology conditions, neurological conditions, or additional autoimmune conditions. The timing of when you last took the medication is important, so consider the timing (or dates) carefully when reviewing the list.
Pregnant people 12+ can get a booster dose 8 weeks after their initial vaccination series. You can be at any stage of your pregnancy.
Call 1-833-838-2323 and self-identify as pregnant. We’ll book you the next available appointment.
If you live in an independent living facility or receive long-term home support, you can get a booster dose from a health care worker who visits you.
People living in rural or remote Indigenous communities
If you live in a rural or remote Indigenous community, you can get a booster dose in your community from your local health authority.
Health Canada has approved the Pfizer mRNA vaccine for use as a booster dose for children ages 5 to 11.
I don't want to wait for the fall for my next booster
We understand some people have unique needs and getting a booster dose before fall might be best for them. This is okay, but not recommended.
If you're 18 or older and you have unique needs, the call centre can help you book an appointment. Don’t phone until you’ve received a fall booster update email or SMS.
Phone the call centre if you need help booking an appointment. Phone agents can't answer questions about the best timing for your next dose.
Call: 1-833-838-2323Seven days a week, 7 am to 7 pm. Translators are available.
Outside Canada and the USA: 1-604-681-4261
Telephone for the Deaf: Dial 711
Video Relay Services (VRS) sign language interpretation is free for people who are deaf, hard of hearing or speech-impaired.
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