MSA-600-X/U: A Micro System Analyzer for MEMS Device Characterization : Quote, RFQ, Price and Buy

2022-05-28 17:32:07 By : Mr. wailly nice

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The observation of static characterization and dynamic response is crucial for testing and designing MEMS devices. They are essential for confirming calculations, establishing cross-talk effects and quantifying the deformation of surfaces.

The MSA-600-X/U Micro System Analyzer offers unique solutions for ultra-high-frequency vibration analysis of micro-acoustic and microstructures devices.

The laser Doppler vibrometer delivers high performance and provides fast and live response measurement with sub-pm displacement resolution.

The built-in stroboscopic video microscope allows streamlined characterization and live animation of in-plane movement. The optional white-light interferometer offers scores of 3D surface data in just seconds. The MSA-600 analyzer—complemented by its intuitive user interface and simple operation—is a robust optical measurement solution in MEMS research and development and quality check.

1 suitable for model MSA-600-U 2 suitable for model MSA-600-X

1 Frequency dependend 2 Maximum displacement amplitude ≤10 nm 3 The noise-limited resolution is defined as the signal amplitude (rms) at a signal-to-noise ratio of 0 dB and a spectral resolution of 1 Hz. 4 The attainable resolution is frequency-dependent. The specified values are average values across the given bandwidth. 5 MSA-600-X/-U without MSA-A-DIF option 6 With MSA-A-DIF option, non-differential measurement mode 7 With MSA-A-DIF option, differential measurement mode

1 Averaging is performed over the maximum bandwidth fmax of the respective range. 2 Objective specifications, as specified in table below. 3 Frequency noise floor for 512 shots per frequency on vibration isolated table.

1 Analysis of the correlogram phase, can be used on flat surfaces. 2 Analysis of the correlogram envelope, for usage on unsteady/rough surfaces 3 RMS value of the signal amplitude for an averaged measurement on a parallelly aligned plane mirror (R ≈ 4%, λ/20), calculated from 25 single measurements, under repeatability conditions. 4 Measurement noise (N = 1) · √8 5 Mean value of measured flatness values (according to ISO 1101) of 50 measurements on a parallelly aligned plane mirror (R ≈ 4%, λ/20) under repeatability conditions. 6 Standard deviation of the measured flatness values (according to ISO 1101) of 50 measurements on a parallelly aligned plane mirror (R ≈ 4%, λ/20) under repeatability conditions. 7 15 measurements per step on a calibrated depth setting standard, type KNT 4080/30 (ISO 5436-1) 8 Standard deviation of the measured deviation of the calibrated step height under repeatability conditions. 9 Largest measured deviation in relation to the calibrated step height out of 15 measurements per step under reproducibility conditions.

1 Requires portal stand with automatic z-stage.

Rapid, live response measurement of the out-of-plane dynamics of the combdrive shows all system resonances. All in-plane modes can be detected with ultra-high sensitivity laser Doppler vibrometry, quantifying their small parasitic out-of-plane contribution.

The figure below shows a bode plot of the principal in-plane driving mode of the combdrive. The device operation can be observed with real-time mode animation.

High-resolution surface topography measurement below shows each detail of the device topography—even as completely automated measurements on wafer-level.

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