*POSTPONED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE* FREE At-Home COVID-19 Testing Kits for East Hartford Residents | East Hartford CT

2022-07-30 00:40:14 By : Mr. Potter Li

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Town of East Hartford acquires COVID-19 test kits for distribution to East Hartford residents - Distribution postponed until further notice

**The Town has recently been informed that the scheduled shipment of tests into Connecticut has been delayed. Until the tests are delivered our planned distribution will be postponed. Please standby, updates will be provided as soon as the status of delivery is shared with the Town. Thank you all for your patience and please continue to check our Town website and social media pages for all COVID-19 updates**

East Hartford, CT — On Monday December 27th, 2021 Governor Lamont announced the distribution of 3 million free COVID-19 at-home test kits to municipalities across the state. In an effort to get these vital test kits to our residents as soon as possible the Town’s Health and Fire department will distribute more than 5,000 test kits on Thursday December 30th, 2021 from 12pm – 5pm at East Hartford High School (EHHS) and the Connecticut IB Academy (CIBA).

The test kits will be distributed through a drive thru system on a first come first serve basis. Residents are asked to show proof of residency. Acceptable proofs of ID include a state issued ID or other documentation of address in East Hartford. In an effort to avoid large groups showing up at the distribution site we encourage just one representative of the household to collect a test kit. If individuals do not have a vehicle, walk ups will be accommodated.

We recognize the number of test kits provided to each town is a very limited supply intended to help individuals experiencing delays in getting tested with the ongoing surge of infections due  to the Omicron variant”, said Mayor Mike Walsh. “Therefore, we ask residents to help us prioritize providing these kits to individuals who are currently experiencing symptoms suggestive of COVID-19, came into close contact with a person who tested positive for COVID- 19 within the last 14 days, and are having a difficult time acquiring a test.“

There will be a max of 2 test kits per vehicle. Each test kit contains (2) COVID tests.

Please be advised the entrance to the distribution site is the Forbes Street entrance to the high school and the exit out through Leonard Drive. If a person has a positive test for COVID-19, the recommended time to isolate from others is five days from the date of the test if you have no symptoms, or at least five days from symptom onset. It’s recommended to continue to stay home beyond five days until your fever resolves and other symptoms are improving.

For further guidance on isolation and quarantine recommendations, visit the Health Department website . For other inquiries or to speak with a public health nurse, please contact the East Hartford Health Department at 860-291-7324.

Town of East Hartford 740 Main Street, East Hartford, CT 06108  (860) 291-7100 Town Hall Hours of Operation:  8:30am - 4:30pm  Monday - Friday

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