Why Do Children Dislike Cauliflower and Broccoli? Chromatography Explores
Gas chromatography (GC) is one of the most important analytical technologies, but its power relies on the availability of sensitive detectors, able to quantify a range of analytes as extensive as possible. During this live eLearning session on the 26th April Peter will show the Pulsed Discharge Detector (PDD) to meet this demand by combining true universality in detection, with a broad dynamic range, and sensitivity down to the ppm and ppb range.
After setting the PDD in relation to other detectors for GC, generally regarded as universal, a brief explanation of its physical basics will make its capabilities understandable. Different operation modes, providing selectivity where required, are shown as well as how a PDD can replace an Electron Capture Detector and help to eliminate radioactive material from the lab. In addition, those who register will benefit from the ability to ask question in the live Q&A portion, and receive a certificate of attendance after the session has concluded. REGISTER to learn more and benefit from this inciteful hour.
Whether in pharmaceutical research, industrial quality control or food and environmental analysis, chromatography is an essential part of a laboratory. analy...
The FM4 is an air sampler developed for sampling per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in air. The FM4 design is a groundbreaking approach, which enable...
Gas chromatography is a separation technique that can be applied to almost every industry. As a non-destructive and versatile analysis method, it’s a highl...
In This Edition Modern & Practocal Applications - Accelerating ADC Development with Mass Spectrometry - Implementing High-Resolution Ion Mobility into Peptide Mapping Workflows Chromatogr...
Advances in Chromatography and Electrophoresis & Chiranal 2022
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